Nicola Gelder
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0151 907 3456
I qualified as a Solicitor early in 1995, I spent my training years doing mostly general litigation and personal injury work but also some family law. Upon qualifying I practised in the personal injury field, mostly dealing with car accidents and credit hire issues. My practice has increasingly involved clinical negligence claims and more large loss claims.
In the last 15 years however my work has been split between personal injury claims following car accidents and non-car accident personal injury work in areas such as public liability, occupiers’ liability, employers’ liability, package holiday claims and accidents on cruise ships and aeroplanes together with other more unusual claims such as food poisoning and product liability.
I have successfully pursued a claim to the Court of Appeal, which was an occupiers’/employers’ liability claim and was being argued upon the interpretation of the Civil Procedure Rules and their application to the facts of that specific case. This case is now quoted in legal publications to exemplify the interpretation of that rule.